Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Farm 22 - germination and represntatives of Germany


explains  key word concepts --> 

Farm 22  -
germination and
human representatives....


code word--> einstein 
code word--> eins
code........ proteins  message system

Germination - Wikipedia

    Germination is the process by which an organism grows from a seed or similar structure. The most common example of germination is the sprouting of a seedling from a seed of an angiosperm or gymnosperm.

    Germination | Define Germination at Dictionary.com

      germination. (jûr'mə-nā'shən) The beginning of growth, as of a seed, spore, or bud. The germination of most seeds and spores occurs in response to warmth and water.

      Germination - Plants In Motion

        Seed germination. For non-dormant seeds, germination starts when a seed is provided with water as long as the temperature is appropriate. The uptake of water by dry seed is called imbibition (imbibition means to drink: seeds imbibe water, you do not imbibe seeds). As seeds imbibe water, they expand and enzymes and ...

        code words--> As superior as your friend  -->

        message  ...  the  EARTH Systems of
        Pabst Farms 4-legged Holsteins and Horses  are

        to the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture
        BEDROOM schemes and plots  ....... 

        thus  EARTH ... Lake Superior is superior to the 

        superior  FARM destruction  policy
        of the state government

        Rod Nilsestuen, superior state DATCP head,
        drowns in Lake Superior  in the superiority complex WARS 

        | Politics ...

          Jul 22, 2010 - Rod Nilsestuen, who has led the state Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection as its secretary since 2003, drowned Wednesday evening while swimming in Lake Superior off Michigan’s Upper Peninsula. Police in Marquette, Mich., did not release his name, but ...

          Nilsestuen is remembered as

          helping to transform state's ag industries
          into BEDROOMs  ...

          Oct 1, 2017 - Rod Nilsestuen, the state's DATCP secretary who drowned Wednesday while swimming in Lake Superior, is credited with helping to strengthen a range of agricultural industries and initiatives in Wisconsin.

          with helping to strengthen a range of agricultural industries
          with helping to strengthen a range of agricultural industries
          with helping to strengthen a range of .......cult        industries

          Cult of Voodoo

            Voodoo (a.k.a. Vodun, Voudou, VoDou, Vodoun) is commonly how this religion is called by the public. The name is traceable to an African word for "spirit". Voodoo can be directly traced to the West African Yoruba people who lived in 18th and 19th century Dahomey. That country occupied parts of today's Togo, Benin and ...

            END of explanation


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