]Loeb-Leopold Murder of Franks in Chicago May 21 1924 
scholarlycommons.law.northwestern.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1950...jclcby R Loeb - 1925
[The kidnapping and murder of Robert Franks by Richard Loeb and Nathan Leopold, Jr., in Chicago, Illinois, on May 21, 1924, aroused worlc-wide interest-at ...
Archie Loeb | Obituaries | wdtimes.com - Watertown Daily Times
Aug 7, 2015 - Archie Loeb was the son of Russian immigrants, Hyman and Sarah ... at Michigan State, Kellogg Institute and UW-Wisconsin NASMI courses.
Archie took Institute Scrap Iron and Steel seminars at Michigan
State, Kellogg Institute and UW-Wisconsin NASMI courses. He also had a
lot of hands-on learning.
with his company .....
iron scrap metal processors / junk yard
He was an active member of Institute of Scrap Recyclers Industries Inc ,,,
with his company .....
iron scrap metal processors / junk yard
He was an active member of Institute of Scrap Recyclers Industries Inc ,,,
Above...bottom sentence word --> egg layer---> egghead layers /hierarchy of thinkers
Egghead - Wikipedia 
In the American English slang, egghead is an anti-intellectual epithet used to refer to intellectuals or people considered too out-of-touch with ordinary people ...
Urban Dictionary: egghead 
A person who is considered intellectually gifted in the field of academics. " Egghead" is usually used as college-speak to describe a brainiac. 2. A person's whose ...
What is the meaning of egghead , what is the slang definition of ... 
Slang meaning of egghead.egghead means:
Noun. 1. An intelligent person, an intellectual person. {Informal} 2. A person who is bald.
The Hidden Reality: Parallel LANGUAGE Universes and the Deep ... - Amazon.com 
The Hidden Reality: Parallel Universes and the Deep Laws of the Cosmos Paperback – November 1, 2011. ... The bestselling author of The Elegant Universe and The Fabric of the Cosmos tackles perhaps the most mind-bending question in modern physics and cosmology: Is our universe the
What is the meaning of Farms and egghead
...... secret farming of math and science people and their brains / thoughts
what is the slang definition of ... 
What is the meaning of egghead, what is the slang definition of egghead, ... EGGHEAD means: Egghead is slang for an intellectual, scientist, or studious student.
Above base 16 numbers A, B, C, D, E ... Vitamin codes for your brain SYMBOL and THOUGHT MACHINE
Above secret word codes A, B, C --> Atomic Bio-Chemistry
Above secret word codes C, D, E and O = Oxygen air spells CODE for LUNGS
Above secret word codes E equation
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